One of the requirements of Faith throughout our journey is personal hygiene. She needs to commit to showering every day and brushing her teeth well, and, of course, washing her hands religiously. She would kill us if she knew that we were sharing this with the world, but Faith is notorious for being lazy in this area! So, of course, we are finding great pleasure in forcing the issue and blaming the doctors when she groans. Well, tonight, I almost wish that we had just let it slide, 'cause things got even more real tonight. Her hair started coming out in the shower :( She recognized it, too. In her sweet baby Faith way, she said "don't worry, it's not coming out in clumps, just lots in one handful!" Dude!
Perfectly timed...we get a text from Amy Funicello. that her boys have orchestrated a bake sale/lemonade stand and have enlisted the help of several friends/neighbors to help. They will be in front of Sanborn Elementary this Sunday from 1-4pm selling their baked goods and refreshments all to help our little girl! Bitter sweet this day has been. Lots of good and a little bad (a big bad, kinda). The only place she wants to be this Sunday is at the bake sale, but unfortunately, she will be on day 4 of a 5 day, in-patient, chemo stay at PCH. She will be there in spirit!!!
Perfectly timed...we get a text from Amy Funicello. that her boys have orchestrated a bake sale/lemonade stand and have enlisted the help of several friends/neighbors to help. They will be in front of Sanborn Elementary this Sunday from 1-4pm selling their baked goods and refreshments all to help our little girl! Bitter sweet this day has been. Lots of good and a little bad (a big bad, kinda). The only place she wants to be this Sunday is at the bake sale, but unfortunately, she will be on day 4 of a 5 day, in-patient, chemo stay at PCH. She will be there in spirit!!!